Monday, September 13, 2010

EBeauty Creations Facebook Clothing Challenge

Inspired by Marisa with "New Dress A Day"  (See her blog here) I think I have finally decided on a "challenge" I could do.


365 days is a little too daunting for me so I'm going to do a new outfit a week...that's only 52 weeks instead of 365 days.  How can you help?  My challenge to myself is your challenge for me.  I need each of you to mail me an outfit you are no longer wearing (too out dated, too small, too big, in need of some TLC, etc) and I will "re-purpose" the outfit (including making it modest).  This also will help expand my own personal closet collection as I feel like I'm wearing the same outfits week after week after week.

Ok, now that you're on board...I think I want to start this project the first of the year so I will take from this time through December to collect articles from you my friends so I can start in January (give me time to think and plan).

Mail your submissions to: (give me your email so I can send you the address)

Thanks and we'll see what wonderful things I can come up with.  You can try to stump me but try to be nice too :)

P.S. Submissions for Jerimiah's wardrobe would be acceptable too.

I will probably start a new blog for this challenge...stay tuned!

I'm also working on an "EXAMPLE" post with this dress...

(Too short, sleeveless, and a low V-neck back)

1 comment:

  1. What kinds of things are you looking for? Can it be any size or do you want within a certain rage? I would love to send you something! My email is
